How and when does your health fitness coaching work?What makes your fitness training so different?
Our online coach training school has interviewed James Middleton, who is a health and fitness coach helping his clients navigate the muddy waters of myths and misinformation.

Here, he discusses his health coach tips for people who are thinking of beginning a career in health and fitness coaching, and shares the story of how he got started and how he organically attracted a following.
What is health and fitness coaching?
Health and fitness coaching is a type of life coaching specifically focused on living a healthy lifestyle while gaining and maintaining fitness levels.A health coach is not the same as a personal trainer, although they may offer fitness trainer tips and exercises to their clients. Instead, a health coach focuses on the whole lifestyle change that comes with becoming healthy, including nutrition, sleep and mental wellbeing.Health and fitness coaches may specialize their work with a specific type of person in a health and fitness coaching niche.They may choose, for example, to work with professional sports players, with women recovering their fitness after childbirth or even with retirees looking to enjoy fitness in their later years.Alternatively a health and fitness coach could work with anyone, offering tailored nutritional and wellness plans to their clients while also providing fitness trainer tips and a holistic approach to health.
How can I become a health coach?
Does becoming a health coach sound like your dream job?If you’re passionate about health, nutrition, wellness and always find yourself giving health coach tips to your friends and family, perhaps this is a great career for you.And the good news is that it’s not as difficult as you might think to get into the health and fitness coaching industry. You don’t have to be a top performing sportsperson, or a record-breaking athlete, and you certainly don’t have to have won awards.The reality is that the most successful coaches are people just like you - with a story, a life of triumphs and challenges and a lot of wisdom and encouragement to give.You just have to have a love of health and fitness and a burning passion to share what you’ve learned on your life journey. Then, you need to become an certified life coach, and learn the skills you will need to share your wisdom including techniques and tools to get the most for your clients.You can become a certified coach at the Jay Shetty Certification School and embark on a life coach program that will equip you with the skills and knowledge that you will need to become an outstanding health and fitness coach, building a career like James’.
Interview with Health and Fitness Coach James Middleton
Read on for our interview with James Middleton, an established health and fitness coach.Discover his health and fitness tips, his life coaching habits for success and how he built his health coaching business online from scratch - during the pandemic!
If you could use 1-3 words to describe your essence, what would they be?
Compassionate, loyal, honest.
What do you do?
I am a health and fitness coach educating and helping people all around the world on how to live healthier, happierlives through exercise, healthy eating, and mindfulness.I share daily tips debunking fitness myths and simplifying information so that people can truly understand what it takes to become the healthiest and best versions of themselves.
How did you get to where you are now – from your first real client to your current client base?
As soon as I got my personal training qualification, I applied to work in a fitness studio teaching classes, learning to be comfortable with large groups of different abilities. Alongside this, I started reaching out to people who I thought I could help with their training and diet.Then by word of mouth and through my social media, I picked up more and more 1-1 clients and built my network up. When it got to be too much, I decided to launch my own online coaching business, which allows me to coach many more people from all over the world.
How many coaching sessions do you do a day and how do you combine training and lifestyle coaching?
I really only have a handful of clients that I train 1-1 in person. These are my longstanding loyal clients who I’ve been with from the start. Most of my coaching is online and I have hundreds of people who are a part of that who I communicate with and coach every day.Because I can speak to all my clients through my app, I am often giving them lifestyle tips and pointers alongside training and diet guidance. This allows me to really get to know each individualand understand what they need my help and support with the most.
What marketing do you do to attract clients?
Most of my marketing comes through my Instagram page. I have a great audience who I have built a good relationship with and a lot of them have signed up to my coaching.Aside from that, I use Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook to reach wider audiences.At the moment, it is all done organically, but there will come a time where I’d like to reach even more people, so some spend will be put behind that.
What tools are effective for you as a coach?
For me, it’s having a platform where I can speak to people (my clients) as much as possible.Communication for me is vital so I can understand every individual’s needs. Video messaging is also great because it means it becomes a lot more personal and I can also show them exercises and tips that might help them.
What is unique about your coaching approach?
I develop relationships with all my clients.I call every single one before they start to get to know them and understand exactly what they’re looking for. Not many coaches do this who train people online.I truly care about the progress of my clients and by the time they are finished with me that relationship often continues which is what I love. I even got invited to a client’s wedding this year!
Which results do your clients typically experience?
Sustainable ones. Results that will last a lifetime, not just a few months.So much of the fitness industry promises the world to people in the shortest amount of time possible, so people jump at this thinking it’s the best route, but often it’s not a sustainable road.I give my clients all the tools they need for them to eventually go off and continue by themselves and make it a sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle.
Your industry is known for misinformation and fads. How do you cut through the clutter and manage clients’ expectations?
Tell me about it! I do a lot of research in my own time. I listen to a lot of other top professionals who I trust, and I know are speaking the truth.It has taken me a long time to learn and understand what misinformation is and what isn’t, but I feel I’m now in a very good position to detect it.Daily I will speak about what’s not true and what is true, because I don’t have an agenda. My agenda is to help as many people understand the truths about being healthy and fit and cut through the nonsense.I will always make sure my clients understand that they’re in this for the long haul, and there are no quick fixes. It’s hard work, commitment and consistency and following a trustworthy coach who will help them get to where they want to be.
What effect does Covid-19 have on the way you do business and how will these effects continue?
I’ve been one of the lucky ones who has managed to continue with my business as the majority of it is online.In fact, I had a surge in interest in my coaching once gyms were closed as people were looking for direction, motivation, and some accountability. A lot of what I do on social media has also continued. I’ve just had to adapt to creating content at home, which wasn’t easy to start, but I’ve fully adjusted to it now.I do miss the in-person interaction with some of my clients though! I love human interaction, so I’m looking forward to getting back to that.James MiddletonHealth & Lifestyle
Final Thoughts
The coaching profession is an exciting one. Where else can you have an online career filled with clients, changing people’s lives and doing the things you love?James' story is inspiring: he didn’t just become a celebrity health and fitness coach overnight! Instead, his hard work, perseverance and dedication allowed him to slowly build his base. From becoming a Personal Trainer, to delivering a holistic life coaching program for his clients, James’ career has evolved.Just as James’ career is constantly changing and growing, so is his learning and his knowledge. Even though James is a successful coach with a popular Instagram page and a list of personal 1:1 clients, he knows he is still on a learning journey.This is a crucial part of what makes a great health and fitness coach: the ability to stay humble and stay learning.Think you would make a fantastic health and fitness coach? Or maybe another life coaching niche is calling your name. Perhaps you have a desire to help new parents and become a relationship coach, maybe a personal growth coach resonates strongly with you?Whatever type of coaching is right for you, the best place to start is with the Jay Shetty Certification School coaching program. Discover Jay Shetty’s personal coaching techniques, access exclusive tools and methodologies and surround yourself with successful coaches.Ready to embark on your own health and fitness coaching journey? Learn more about admissions here.