Amelia Sissons
Empowerment and Breath Coach
Overwhelm used to be my norm.
Waking up, I felt like I was running a race and my mind was spinning as I tried to juggle life’s tasks. There was a whirlwind of work deadlines, helping everyone (no matter what!) and the expectation to do it all with a smile. My internal battery fell from 50% to 25%. Then came life’s big shake ups and the battery fell to 1%.
That’s when I had a light bulb moment - it started with me.
I realized I have power over my stress. I built tools and routines that supported me, especially when things got hard. I found things that lit me up, giving me an honest smile instead of hiding behind one.
I was back in the driver’s seat of my own life.
My experiences and built tools laid my path to join the Jay Shetty Certification School and become a Certified Empowerment and Breath Coach. I see how many people experience overwhelm as their norm and miss out on the joy life can offer. I want to help.
What’s your overwhelm story?
Are you feeling:
- Stuck on a hamster wheel, juggling a million things?
- Like you’re hitting a wall, avoiding a big task up on a pedestal?
- That if you stop, everything will fall apart?
You are not alone - I am here to help you. Let’s get you feeling:
- Ready for when things pile up, grounded with a plan in place.
- Allowed to stop and take care of yourself without things falling apart.
- Joy instead of overwhelm as you discover the things that matter to you.
I would love to hear from you.
Please send me a message or check out my website for more details. Amelia