Kylee McGuire
Empowerment Coach
I passionately seek to work with clients who are outside the conventional circles of life: those who have left religion, folks who practice non monogamy, neurodivergent individuals, people raising transgender children, entrepreneurs etc.
I offer a customizable one on one empowerment coaching program for unconventional individuals who want to move through the world confidently & authentically. Clients thrive within my judgment free zone, where they receive personalized exercises as they explore their inner landscape. I facilitate awareness and clarity to allow each client to find peace in their life through examination of obstacles, current reality and ideal reality, and finally action: problem solving and goal setting.
Within 90 days, the average client feels less pressure to conform, develops and/or increases their confidence, and begins to find their voice through positive psychology-based transformation. Clients typically spend 3 to 12 months deconstructing their current beliefs and adopted narratives, to reconnect with their true desires and passions. This transformative process saves themself from years, and thousands of dollars, spent searching for direction & purpose on their own. The end result includes a solid trust of self, redefined ideas around community, increased emotional intelligence, and new found abilities to openly live their unique and authentic experience without fear of judgment.
No matter your goal, I invite you to partner with me and see what is possible when you truly believe in yourself and your power.